Online Timer Tool

A customizable timer component for your needs.


Introducing our user-friendly online timer tool, which is designed for those who seek an efficient and visually appealing way to keep track of their time. Whether you’re into fitness, cooking, or just need a quick reminder, this tool can cater to your needs.


  1. Customizable Time Setting: Set your desired minutes and seconds easily.
  2. Intuitive Controls: With straightforward “Start”, “Pause”, and “Reset” buttons, managing the timer is a breeze.
  3. Visual Feedback: The timer provides real-time feedback, counting down the seconds, and even flashing the screen when time’s up to grab your attention.
  4. Sleek Design: The modern and minimalistic design ensures a pleasant user experience, with a clear display and responsive controls.

How to Use:

  1. Enter the desired time in the respective “Minutes” and “Seconds” input fields.
  2. Click on the “▢️ Start” button to begin the countdown.
  3. To pause the timer, click the “⏸️ Pause” button.
  4. If you wish to restart, simply hit the “πŸ”„ Reset” button.